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Informational podcast and fiction
Robert and Matt do a wonderful job sharing the passion and challenges of starting up a podcast while mixing in a great thriller/suspense horror story. The acting is done well and the episodes are just the perfect length. The show has a wonderful relistening value also.

Life Changing
Every once and awhile a show comes along that changes the course of human history. This is that show! Do yourself a favor, grab a pint, get nice and cozy, and check out show tonight!

Listen to this podcast!
A perfect balance of tongue and cheek humor, pub ambiance, paranormal activity, and genuinely believable plot line. Please keep going! There is nothing like this in the world! Have a pint (or 7) and enjoy this listening experience!

Perfect amount of swearing
I can’t understand a word they say but I like listening to it

You read the title right?
Do you like audio drama, the paranormal, paranormal podcasts, drunken banter about the aforementioned topics? Well I do and this show does an smashing job at bringing all that together.

I listen to audio drama podcasts both light-hearted and completely creepy - ALL THE TIME: No Sleep, Lore, Black Tapes, Wolf 359 and at least a dozen more. But this is the very 1st one that made me feel like I just had to write a review. So, I guess I want to say that I love A Scottish Podcast and PLEASE do another season‼️

Thanks for this podcast
Love this podcast it’s been a nice change from the norm. Great stories you know it’s not crap because it’s scottish

Very fun to hear the podcaster himself making fun of true crime and mystery podcasts, and it’s really cool to hear podcasts not centered around American culture exclusively.

This is a severely underrated podcast. More people need to find out about it. The characters and story were endearing and entertaining. Scotland could definitely do with more representation in the podcast world. I enjoyed every second of it. Dougie and Bill are my favorites. Hope for more!

Fun Show and talented people
Really enjoy this show. The voice acting is superb and the story is very engaging!

Fun and Weird
A Scottish Podcast is lots of fun to listen to. It is mostly humor, a little horror and all audio drama. Well done and lots of fun. Wait, I said that. Just listen.

Love this over all the other Scottish podcasts
I'm enjoying searching my Scottish roots through this podcast!

Great so far!
The story has been great so far! I used to live in Edinburgh and a big Hibee, so this has really brought me back to Edinburgh. I can't wait to hear season 2 and keep up the good work! Five stars from Omaha, Nebraska, USA!!!!

Do yourself a favor and give this a listen. It’s great.

Great Fun
What a listen! Really enjoyed all the banter and faffing about, mixed in with a mystery that got a satisfying reveal at the end. Great show, funny characters, lovely voices. My only arguable complaint is that I'd like to hear more women in the show- beyond drunk Helen, that is- but there's season two for addressing that, eh?

Look no further ...
For anyone looking for an amazing show !!!!from podcast noob to seasoned listeners , have you exhausted yourself looking for the next great audio adventure ?look no further you’ve just stumbled upon your new favorite podcast!!!! This is Amazing , I’ve binged it twice & I can’t get enough. This show is the reason podcasts were created!! Thank you for this gem! - 💀

Excellent story and engrossing characters. Loved the longer episodes as the season progressed. Looking forward to the next season!

A well written and performed podcast. It's well worth a good listen especially if you like stuff like the Black Tapes and Darkest Night. I love that it's Scottish too, a fair amount of these meta creepy story ones are American/Canadian afaik, so this is a breath of fresh air in that regard

What a trip! I binged the entire season and can’t wait for more!!!! Love the storytelling.

Great story!!
Couldn't wait to listen all the way through season 1. My fave side character quickly became Drunk Helen soon after she was introduced. My only complaint was the amount of profanity, but hey I suppose that's just your style. Really enjoyed it and will be checking out Hostile Worlds next. Bravo!

A right good podcast!!
I didn't know what to think about this when I first heard it. (Didn't listen to the trailer) But, it was recommended to me and I just binged all of season one! I NEED MORE!

Intriguing and Fun Listen
Had a great time listening to the first season of A Scottish Podcast. Great quality podcast all around. Intriguing story. Fun acting. Very good production quality! Thanks very much for the wonderful work! Hope to hear the next season soon. :)

Hilarious and Spooky
Wonderfully profane and a great audio trip to Scotland for this Yankee.

This is a fun take on the paranormal investigative podcast. I enjoy the little meta moments and its got quality acting & writing. Needs more ladies though.

Just finished season 1....
& wow this was such a great podcast! It usually takes a couple episodes of an audio drama for me to get into it but this was an instant love. I love the way jokes are just randomly thrown into a conversation. Thank you thank you thank you for this podcast.

This is one of my very favorite shows. I hope there is more soon!

Bloody Hell!
If you're in to Scottish accents, a mysterious and intriguing story of the paranormal, and don't mind some . . . course language, you'll love this podcast. Also it's bloody hilarious!

Refreshing and Addictive
Mathew and Robert, once again you mates show us the amazing fun time that creative, dramatic podcasting can be for the listener as well as the producers. You gents are an inspiration to those of us just beginning our own journey into audio drama. And, it was delightful to find genuinely funny moments, genuinely thrilling and creepy moments, all tied together with a brilliant plot and solid writing. A Scottish Podcast is simply entertaining and addictive!

Good listen
Thoroughly enjoyed listening and not only for the Scottish accents 😉. Looking forward to the next season.

A life changing adventure
It was a blindingly sunny day, 100+ degrees and 100% humidity in March. (MARCH!!) I was on my way home after a long day at work, thinking about mortality, how awful life can be, pondering "feeding the pig" so to speak, when I remembered that a coworker at the call center suggested these blokes called the "Terror Files". As I sat down in my sun-bleached car, skin sticking to the crusted leather interior, burning at the touch of the black plastic wheel, air-conditioning neither truly dead nor truly alive, I took a few extra moments before pulling out of the parking lot to download the first few episodes. "What the heck" I remember thinking... And as I pulled into bumper-to-bumper traffic, the show began. Holy flapjacks, what a show it is! What a goddarn masterpiece of perfection! These guys, who are apparently a huge international hit were masters of their craft, even before they made it. Forget the Black Tapes, forget the Ghost Hunters, don't even get me started about the ghost busters(!), Terror Files are the best ghost hunting group ever! Their show, which is 100% real, despite folks claiming that they're not actually from Scotland (which they are indeed from Scotland) is the audio equivalent of snorting an aerosolized Jack Daniels while simultaneously skiing down Mount Everest and fighting a bear with a lightsaber! They will take you places, scary places! I'm not talking about sci-fi worlds with cannibals and fictional Tales of fictional crud in Towers, or even historical goddarn fiction about time travel or westerns, i'm talking about the darkest corners of the actual Earth; places where the sun don't shine and the moon is even a little reluctant to show half it's a** on a good night! This show is gripping, epic, fear-inspiring! These are not the Small Town Horrors you and your granny grew up with, these are terrors like Alpin the mother-loving Disemboweler, and creepy islands with horrors too messed up to even mention in this review!!! Not to mention whatever the hell they have planned for Season 2! This show has changed my LIFE! It helped me get a promotion, it's how I met my wife (a fellow terror files enthusiast), and bought a new car and house! It will leave you Sleepless, entertain you, inspire you, and help you find the courage to get through your own bleak existence knowing that somewhere out there in Scotland there's a dog that looks like the flipping guy from the Life Aquatic! From their charming patron Bruce (who the local papers seem to have it out for, but who seems like a great guy), to Lee and even Douggie, the show's cast show great humility, despite being international super-stars. Here's to hoping they continue to make more stories now that their first season has concluded and don't fall into the trappings the celebrity status brings! Do yourself a favor and listen to this show today! ...Also, they have a great choice in sponsors... According to a friend...