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Two Scottish blokes start a podcast. . .
Two Scottish blokes start an investigation podcast on strange locations and weird happenings. They curse a lot, they’re fun to listen to. Their investigations make them fall into the wrong hands. But they take it all in stride. A Scottish Podcast is loosely structured—has about one main mystery per season. But there’s fun bonus episodes and segues such as poetry readings, fantasy novel book chapter readings. This is my comfort podcast when I want some story but also like a hangout of sorts. The character Helen is a blast. She’s utterly trashed (drunk), never remembers anything, but increasingly becomes important to the story. Or doesn’t, as just a fun cameo. Chill out with this audio drama, as the creators are also just having fun and releasing episodes on their own time.

New episode ever?


Story is creepy but funny
Hope that was the goal

Love this podcast
I throughly enjoy this podcast, the cast is fantastic, the story is weird and rambling and distracted. It has made me laugh out loud multiple times. Thank you Matthew!

Really glad I found this podcast. I can’t recall how it got to me, but it’s great fun. Helen makes me so happy when she pops up! I’m in the middle of season 2 now and looking forward to more. Please keep up the great work for as long as the project continues being fun for all involved — and thank you for putting this creative energy into the podcast world!

A delight!
I found this podcast in 2021 but for whatever reason didn’t start listening until now. Just finished season 1 — it was delightful! Looking forward to making my way through the rest of the series. Keep up the excellent work!

What a flipping joy!
I have no idea how I stumbled upon this podcast, but thankful I did! It’s a perfect mix of mildly creepy, super funny and very well written. I had to Google the “C” word and Scottish to realize y’all weren’t using the mother of all naughty words with cavalier ease, but it actually has an entirely different connotation (looky, I even learned something !). I’ve been stopping anyone who will listen to me and imploring them to listen so I can talk about this with someone! I’m addicted — Love it!

Creative and fantastical
I love how this show has matured and evolved since season one and the creative directions the show has taken. I have missed the regular releases but if listened to from the beginning to end, it would be easy to start all over at season one and create a circular tale. Very brilliant! Btw, I love Drunk Helen. She’s hilarious. And it’s back for 2023! So happy!!

One of my favorites
I like pretty much everything about. As much as I’d love more, I think I even like Matthew McLean’s “I’ll make more when I make more…or not” attitude. Again, pretty much the whole thing.

I love this podcast so much. I adore Dougie - he’s hysterical. Tune in, you won’t be sorry.

Thank you God bless Beers Memories Nephews and nieces And all

My Favorite Podcast
This is my go to podcast. It never disappoints.

Well written, great voices and funny.
I just binged season one and I loved it.

A Standout Amazing Adventure
This podcast is awesome! Do yourself a favor, Subscribe now, and binge listen from the beginning. The characters are so well written, there is complexity and depth, and a connection with the audience that is rare. This show is riveting, spooky, funny, dark. Subscribe and be happy.

Just another opinion....
I love this podcast. Having sampled quite a few audio dramas, I have to say I’ve been the most impressed with this one. It draws you in and keeps you entertained without being predictable. It’s well written and acted. Love the mix of humor and creepiness. Done in a way that isn’t cheesy. Well done!

Great audio drama
First season was top notch, second season was worth listening too but not quite as good. Love the characters except when they added the lady who drinks to much her voice ruins every scene she is in.

One of the Best
A podcast that is well written, well acted, well plotted, well edited, and well foleyed. Well, well, well, well, well, looks like someone took the Devil’s bargain in order to get a hit podcast. I did warn ya. But you went ahead anyway. Five stars, and may God have mercy on your souls.

Love the writing and acting on this!

Daft Buggers
I wish these loafers would get back to work. The internet is right lonesome without Lee and Douggie, Bill and the lot. I may have shed a tear somewhere along the way, though I never sent a dime as I’m broke. Love the show and all that. Right.

Really good story! My teenage son and I listened together and both liked it very much.

Great show!
I’m loving this. The story never goes in the direction I think it will. I hope it goes on forever! (update) YAY! Season Three of my favorite piece of pish coming .... eventually!

This is an unbelievable podcast.
I have been searching for a podcast that isn't just a bunch of dudes recording poor audio of themselves desperately attempting to be funny. This podcast is genuinely clever, self-aware, well-produced, and at times can give you the shivers. It's still bloke-heavy, but other than that it really is excellent.

Good stuff
Humor and horror both have to do with subverting expectations and surprise. Mixing them is a tall order, but I like this approach.

Awesome fun!
Incredible podcast- storytelling radio drama- these c**nts tell an incredible story, you will s**it yourself with excitement listening to this bunch of c**nts tell a humorous horror story! Love it!

Top Notch
This is one of the best audio dramas I’ve ever heard. Dialog is so well written. Cheers!

A Review for Your Ego, Matthew!
I love this podcast. I think Scottish accents are the greatest on Earth, yet they are very few and far between here in Los Angeles and I wanted to hear more of them in my daily life. So I searched for “Scottish podcast”, expecting to listen to episodes about Scottish news, or the history of tartan, or a how-to guide about making Scotch; you know, Scottish stuff. Any of those would have piqued my interest. I am very happy that I found this podcast instead - the story scared the daylights out of me the first time I listened (I finished season 1 in an afternoon and had a hard time sleeping that night!). As an American, I love to imagine Scotland - a place I’ve visited twice and absolutely loved - as a place full of spirits and monsters and dark, troubled history. This podcast feeds into that image and I couldn’t be happier. The voice acting is great, and the relationships between the characters are so entertaining - Lee, Dougie, and Cheryl have such great interactions with each other. I enjoy every episode, and I cannot wait to find out what happens next. Thank you for making this great podcast! I enjoy it so much and I am excited for more episodes!

Worth it.
Will there be S.3. or what?!

There's a reason it has the rating that it does
228 people (and counting) aren't wrong. This is a podcast worth listening to!